My name is Leigh Bursey. I am a 32-year old municipal councillor in the beautiful city of Brockville, Ontario, Canada....
Leigh BurseyJanuary 22, 2020
In this bi-weekly blog series, I explore recent research on homelessness, and what it means for the provision of...
Abe OudshoornJanuary 14, 2020
You’re probably familiar with the adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Cliché as it may sound, it especially...
Stephanie VaskoJanuary 09, 2020
In Canada, between 35,000–40,000 young people experience homelessness each year – that’s approximately 6,000-7,000...
Kaitlin SchwanDecember 11, 2019
This vlog outlines 10 important things to note about London, Ontario's recently released five-year plan to tackle...
Abe OudshoornDecember 04, 2019
The Canadian Press recently gained access to results of analysis of the use of homeless shelters across Canada by...
Nick FalvoNovember 28, 2019