Eva’s Phoenix Pathways to Housing and Jobs. An Evaluation.

Eva’s Phoenix is driven by its mission to provide housing, employment and related support to homeless and at-risk youth. It is a mission which is well recognized by its staff and its stakeholders, and this mission focus is incorporated in all its activities and programs. As result, Eva’s Phoenix is tightly focused as an organization, yet its purpose also gives rise to a culture of innovation, which creates a climate of dynamism and constant change. Eva’s Phoenix is always striving to fulfill its mission. Youth participants at Eva’s Phoenix feel that its programs work for them. Importantly, they feel that their involvement with Eva’s Phoenix has helped them personally and an overwhelming majority of them would (and often have) recommended Eva’s Phoenix to their friends. In what way Eva’s Phoenix actually helps these youth reflects the wide range of needs with which these youth struggle. Certainly one can identify progress in terms of youth moving from unstable housing to stable housing, and from panhandling to regular employment and careers. This evaluation sought to detail the paths which different youth took in addressing their various challenges and found that in the first instance, Eva’s Phoenix helped youth by assisting them meet their bare essential needs, namely shelter and food, as well as providing them with a place where they felt safe. In these circumstances, another issue addressed early on was the state of their health.

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