chaney's blog

Making Zero Count: Working Towards Ending Homelessness

Getting Started

What does it mean to end homelessness? How can we measure progress on the ground?

These questions led our community engagement with communities across Canada over the past 3 years, as we explored the creation of a definition and measurement of an end to homelessness, with emphasis on the concept of “Functional Zero”.

Known as the Making Zero Count project, the work built on previous collaborative work between the COH, Calgary School of Public Policy and Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH) in 2015.


Youth continue to be outnumbered! Our response to the Federal Government’s National Point-in-Time Count

Earlier this month the Federal Government released Everyone Counts 2018. The report provides the preliminary results from the second nationally coordinated Point-in-Time (PiT) count of homelessness in Canadian communities. Between March 1 and April 30, 2018, 61 communities participated in Everyone Counts. The first count took place in 2016 with 32 participating communities.
