ekaplan's blog

Decolonizing Research Ethics Using Indigenous Knowledges

Research involving Indigenous Peoples often results in little or no benefit to the communities involved and, in many instances, is still causing harm. To ensure such research is safe and beneficial to the communities involved, current research practices need to undergo fundamental changes.


What if community was part of the solution to youth homelessness?

Put yourself in the shoes of your thirteen-year-old self. If you couldn’t stay at home, where would  you turn? I would have asked for help from my best friend’s family, or my aunt who lived in town. I’ve heard others say that they would turn to teachers, relatives, pastors, or mentors for support in this scenario. These people are all “natural supports”. Natural supports are people who can have a significant impact on the lives of youth experiencing homelessness. Sometimes, natural supports also offer youth a place to stay. 


What is Upstream Canada?

How can we effectively address the largely hidden and pervasively misunderstood problem of youth homelessness in a safe and accessible way?

In this blog, we will explore how a promising initiative, Upstream Canada, addresses extreme barriers to youth resiliency in order to prevent homelessness and school disengagement.
