tgulliver's blog

Ask the Hub - How many people who are homeless die in a year?

I had a chat with a reporter this week from Radio-Canada who wanted to know about homeless deaths in Toronto, specifically from freezing. She asked, “How many homeless people died in Toronto in 2012 and 2013? How many were from cold?”


Ask the Hub - How do you ask someone to go indoors during extreme weather?

How do you, without drawing their ire, ask someone to please go indoors during this horrendous weather?
Scarborough, ON

It’s good to be pretty upfront about something like this: “Hey there. It’s pretty cold out here, do you know about the warming centre at XX location? Can I call someone to see if they can give you a ride there?”


Ask the Hub - Which city in Canada has the most homeless people per capita and why?

Dear Homeless Hub, 
Which city in Canada has the most homeless people per capita and why? 
Patricia L. 
Toronto, ON

Given the lack of a national Point-In-Time count, it is impossible to report on this completely accurately. We have to use some best guesses and estimates and need to rely on those cities that do count or estimate their population of people experiencing homelessness.


Year in Review

A year in the life of the Homeless Hub and the Canadian Homelessness Research Network. 2013 has been a busy year for us.

Funding Enhancement

We received news that our new SSHRC (Social Science and Humanities Research Council) grant “Canadian Observatory on Homelessness” was approved providing us with $2.5 million over the next 7 years including the opportunity to conduct research in key areas.


Ask the Hub - Life Skills Training

Can you direct me where I could purchase or model a life skills group as you described on your website?

Joy Rediger
Shelter Plus Care Coordinator at Meridian Health Services
Muncie, IN
