Counting and Mapping Local Homeless Service Systems in Sweden


The aim of this study is two-fold. First, the aim is to map and explore the extent and variation of local homeless service systems in Sweden’s munici- palities. Second, the goal is to explore the possibilities and limits of using available secondary data on homelessness and homelessness housing services, when analysing local homeless service systems. The study is based on an exploratory cross-sectional approach and uses data from several secondary sources. An extensive mapping of the variation and extent of homelessness and local homeless service systems in Swedish municipalities was conducted. The results suggest that homelessness and local homeless services systems exist in almost all Swedish municipalities. The results also show that the social services have become a major landlord, managing around two percent of Sweden’s total amount of rental apartments (2017). Special contracts are the most common type of housing measure, used both in urban and rural munici- palities. The “Housing first” model still represents only a small percentage of different housing measures. Available secondary data has potential to function as a basis for comparative studies on local homeless services. However, it contains shortcomings concerning reliability, comparability and scope. This is partly due to changes in questionnaires and definitions.

Publication Date: 
Journal Name: 
European Journal of Homelessness