Public Meeting on Household Food Insecurity in Charlottetown, PEI (September 24, 2013)

In PEI, where 1 in 4 children lived in families affected by food insecurity in 2011 (only Nunavut’s rate was higher than this), the PEI Coalition for a Poverty Eradication Strategy, the MacKillop Centre for Social Justice and Poverty Bites recently held a public meeting in Charlottetown to talk about what could be done about this serious problem. Valerie Tarasuk, PROOF Principal Investigator, presented an analysis of food insecurity in PEI to a large group consisting of provincial government representatives, health and social service workers, educators, advocates, politicians, unions, community groups, womens’ groups, university staff and students, churches, individuals with personal experiences of poverty and food insecurity, and members of the general public, all mobilized by a deep concern about the magnitude of the problem. Evident at this gathering was a passionate commitment to ensuring the well-being of Islanders by demanding policy measures to end poverty in PEI.

Publication Date: 
Mitchell, Andy
Loopstra, Rachel
Boston, Tony
Dachner, Naomi
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada