Everyone Counts 2020-2022 – Results from the Third Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts of Homelessness in Canada

Point-in-Time (PiT) Counts provide a one-day snapshot of homelessness in a community, including people experiencing homelessness in shelters and unsheltered locations, and those who are provisionally accommodated in transitional housing. They can also include people experiencing homelessness who are in health or correctional facilities or who are staying with others because they have no access to a permanent residence.

Previous nationally coordinated PiT Counts were held in 2016 and 2018:

Everyone Counts 2020-2022, the Third Nationally Coordinated Point-in-Time Counts (PiT) of homelessness in Canada took place between March 2020 and December 2022. Originally scheduled for March and April 2020, the counts were extended until December 2022 to address pandemic-related risks. A total of 87 communities and regions implemented PiT Counts during this period and contributed their survey data to the national picture. This report incorporates data collected from across these communities, including counts that took place during pre-pandemic, mid-pandemic, and late-pandemic periods.

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