Units For Primary

Division: Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior (Secondary) Subject: Social Studies Article available on: http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED372834(NOTE: THIS WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE TO YORK GRADS, UPLOAD THE...
Division: Primary, Junior, Intermediate Subject: Language Arts, Social Studies Access to full website (http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=...
Division: Late Junior - Intermediate Subject: Language Arts Complete website at http://www.learningtogive.org/units/setting-stage-service-learning-relationships/center-stage-focus-poverty A lesson...
Himal’s Story is designed to use with middle school students. The content can be adapted for use with older or younger students. The 2 to 3 days’ lessons are designed to: 1. Raise awareness of the...
Division: Primary, Junior Subject: Social Studies Complete website at http://childrenofpoverty.blogspot.ca/2009/04/lesson-plans-and-classroom-activities.html Ideas for Minds On questions Ideas for...
Division: Junior Subject: Social Studies, Media PowerPoint presentation format Includes Big Ideas/Minds On questions Includes Canadian Statistics (Edmonton, Alberta) Text-to-text, text-to-self, text...
Division: Primary, Junior, Intermediate Subject: Social Studies, Language Arts, The Arts (Visual Art, Drama, Dance), Science Includes Learning Goals and Objectives Includes Ontario Curricular...
This unit explores homelessness by taking art back to the street. Some of the most influential and progressive artists have emerged from this form of art. Students will explore graffiti art, as well...
Division: Junior, Intermediate Subject: Drama Includes a full unit plan (3 part lesson plans) Think, Pair, Share Activities Checkbricks for Assessments As/For Learning Integration of multimedia...
Division: Primary, Junior, Intermediate Subject: The Arts, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Science Additional: Character Education Includes a full unit plan (3 part lesson plans) Includes...