The Portage Program – For Female Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers (MICA) – Treatment Approach

Portage Inc. piloted a project titled Femmes toxicomanes en situation d’itinérance souffrant de problèmes de toxicomanie et de santé mentale.
Since 1995, Portage of Québec has been operating the Mentally ill Chemical Abusers (MICA) program. This program is an intervention model that offers long-term residence for men 18 years of age and older suffering from mental health problems, primarily schizophrenia, and addictions.
The objective of this 12-month project is to pilot and adapt their MICA program to a female clientele. This adaptation will take into account differences between men and women, for example, in socio-economic status, ethno-cultural background, employment, family role, reproduction, sexual orientation, parenting responsibilities and vulnerability to domestic violence, whether sexual or intimate.

This project was funded by the Government of Canada's Homelessness Partnering Strategy’s Innovative Solutions to Homelessness program. The opinions and interpretations provided in the publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada.

Publication Date: 
Montreal, Quebec