Security of Tenure Reports

In the words of former UN Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik, “Security of tenure is understood as a set of relationships with respect to housing and land, established through statutory or customary law or informal or hybrid arrangements, that enables one to live in one’s home in security, peace and dignity.” Simply put, it refers to a person’s ability to remain in their home long term. Security of tenure is a crucial part of the right to adequate housing in international law, and that right is now recognized in Canadian law thanks to the National Housing Strategy Act.

Unfortunately, in Canada and around the world, security of tenure is undermined from many different sides, especially for renters. To better understand the issues, the Office of the Federal Housing Advocate commissioned a series of seven reports by legal experts looking at the issue of security of tenure in Canada from various angles.

Summary Report

Security of Tenure in Canada: Summary Report — C. L. Michel

Legal Expert Reports

The Right to Counsel for Tenants Facing Eviction — Sarah Buhler

International Jurisprudence — Canadian Centre for Housing Rights

Eviction and International Obligations — Martin Gallié

Race and Security of Housing — Priya S. Gupta

Systemic Barriers for First Nations People — Alan Hanna

Issues for Persons with Disabilities — Luke Reid

Federal Obligations and Encampments: Security of Tenure in Canada — Estair Van Wagner

Office of the Federal Housing Advocate
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