2. Party Platforms

The following section provides a non-partisan, independent, research-based analysis of the housing/homelessness platforms of the four major parties for the 2015 federal election in Canada. This analysis is based on the recommendations stemming from the State of Homelessness in Canada (SOHC) 2014 report.

While we are providing an analysis of the platforms, we are not providing an endorsement of any party. Instead, we encourage voters to read through each analysis, as well as the summary of demands and questions to ask candidates, in order to inform their decision about who to vote for.

How Did We Gather the Data?

  • We emailed MPs responsible for housing (either as Minister or Housing Critics);
  • We also emailed and phoned each national party; if we received no responses or insufficient responses, we used Twitter and Facebook to reach out to the parties, and;
  • We examined recent social media posts, campaign announcements, website platforms and mentions in Hansard.
  • COH staff completed the Canadian Association of Community Health Centres (CACHC) petition and gathered the replies that were sent by parties.
  • We examined the replies from the federal parties to the survey sent by the Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO). A full comprehensive report card is available from ACTO including rating of responses and detailed answers.

Please note: This section will be revised on an ongoing basis leading up to the October 19th, 2015 election to reflect new announcements and changes to party platforms.