Planning, Partnering & Leadership

This module concentrates on the front end work that needs to happen to successfully build and implement a housing stabilization strategy that is the most likely to be effective for your context.

The idea of providing integrated mental health supports, case management, and peer support through processes and in spaces that optimize engagement might seem fairly straight forward on the surface. In our experience, however, getting it right requires a good deal of care and foresight in establishing the leadership and partnership models, communications, and other process pieces that are essential to;

  • fulfilling the goal of each program element informing and supporting the others, and
  • ensuring a healthy and sustainable work environment in which everyone’s contribution is maximized.

If we might take an example from research into psychotherapy, the “common factors” such as forming a good working alliance, alignment on goals, effective communications, etc. can have as much as or even more of an impact on outcomes as the specific therapy provided (e.g., CBT). This module is designed to help you establish the common factors of your housing stabilization effort.

After having worked through this module with your collaborators you should have built the foundation for your housing stabilization strategy and be ready to start hiring staff and getting going in earnest.

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